Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Telling A Story silently with Comic Panels and Storyboards

I've uploaded a video on YouTube which shows the panels of my web comic "Bloodwing Angel Chronicles" timed to music, and telling Mychal's origin story.

The following are some of the pages I used to create the video.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Bloodwing Angel Chronicles

I'm using my sense of animation in posing action in my web comic "Bloodwing Angel Chronicles", and not going for the more realistic style of sequential art. I prefer a web comic that is drawn as a caricatured reality...after all, it IS a comic!

Using Angelic powers burns up a lot of calories! To survive, Mychal has to eat what’s on hand.
#comicbookart #comics #fantasycomics # #indiecomics #independentcomics #makecomics #webcomics #digitalcomics #bloodwingangelchronicles #blackandwhitecomics #lgbtwebcomic #lgbtcomic #lgbtcomics #sequentialart

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Caricatured Reality

Expression, expression, expression! Caricatured posing is much more entertaining than a realistically drawn comic panel. Check out this thumbnail of one of today's updates to my webcomic "Bloodwing Angel Chronicles".

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Using the Animation Principles of Squash and Stretch In Drawing Webcomics

Using the animation principles of squash and stretch when drawing character poses in my webcomic "Bloodwing Angel Chronicles" gives them a subtle feeling of dynamic plasticity and action. Check out this page from this week's Sunday update. Also, note the use of "Anticipation, Action, and Reaction" in this sequential art depiction of tossing a rock with force and anger.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Good Posing For Both Animation And Comic Book Art

I use the same principles of drawing for both my animation and comic book art. I follow the same stages of development in both types of projects. (Check out the completed comic page at:

The sketch stages are: 1) Thumbnail; 2) Rough Pencil; 3) Blue Pencil Refinement; 4) Final Black Line. See the following samples below.

1) Thumbnail sketch and its enlarged version.
2) Rough Pencil Layout. Note the dialog balloon and spotlight placements for composition.

3) Blue Pencil Refinement of the character poses. The dialog balloons and spotlights will be on separate levels. 

4) Final Cleanup/Tie-down Black Line. Did this using a Blackwing 602 and a Mitsu-Bishi 9850, then scanning it at 300 dpi and adjusting the contrast. As I said earlier,
check out the final completed comic page at:

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sunday Webcomics: Bloodwing Angel Chronicles

Growing up in Brooklyn during the 1950s and 1960s, I looked forward to reading the Sunday Funnies. In that spirit of nostalgia, I chose Sunday as the day to make my webcomic's weekly update. Check out "Bloodwing Angel Chronicles".

Bloodwing Angel Chronicles

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Updates on "Bloodwing Angel Chronicles"

New pages have been uploaded to "Bloodwing Angel Chronicles". The character Mychal breaks new ground in comics.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

First Nine Pages of the Bloodwing Angel Chronicles Are Online

I've uploaded the first 9 pages of my webcomic Bloodwing Angel Chronicles onto
Mychal, an innocent androgynous angel of light, is unjustly banished to a dystopian Brooklyn. There, Mychal is turned into a semi-mortal and struggles to survive amongst demons, sinners, and living dead.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Launching My "Bloodwing Angel Chronicles" Webcomic Sunday, March 4th!

Hi, Discerning Reader!

My passion is to tell stories with both pictures and words. Over the years, I’ve animated characters and written stories with characters that were like myself and NOT! But in every case, I try to understand what drives those characters to behave the way they do and tell their truth.

My "Bloodwing Angel Chronicles" webcomic is an allegorical journey for me to explore characters and situations that mainstream comics, TV, and movies don’t attempt to tell stories about. I don’t believe that entertainment ONLY has to be reliant on simplistic formulas setting up the next forced wisecrack or two musclebound opponents having a blood-filled slugfest. Please don’t misunderstand me—I very much enjoy humor, solid wisecracks, and knock-down-drag-out battles; but the vast majority of new entertainment out there is overly-imitative of what has been done time and time again, without giving it a unique twist of its own.

So, that said, I’ll endeavor to make your time spent reading this webcomic series enjoyable and interesting…maybe give you a little food for thought.

I’ve launched this ongoing series with the first nine (9) pages of the story, giving you a decent starting point plot-wise and a taste of what’s to come. I’ll upload a new page or two every Sunday.



Friday, February 16, 2018

Bloodwing Angel Chronicles Webcomic Thumbnails

Here are the thumbnails for a six page sequence. These thumbnails measure 2 inches by 3 inches, which I blow up to fit in a 7.5 inch by 11.25 area for my original pencil pages. I then scan the cleaned up penciled pages as jpegs, adjusting the contrast to get the darkest line...which then gives my drawings an "inked" feeling.

Note that I lay out the caption boxes and dialog balloons at this earliest stage, so that I can incorporate them into the layout for posing. I'll put in the lettering per "A", "B", etc.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Prepping Character Models for Bloodwing Angel Chronicles

Here's a size comparison model chart of the core characters of my on-going web comics graphic novel.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Coming Soon: Bloodwing Angel Chronicles Web Comic Site

I'm working on a free web comic site, which will be an ongoing graphic novel. Here's a screen shot of a sample page in development. I plan to launch the site at the end of February.